Helping people navigate life to create personal freedoms.


From people I have counseled, from people I have collaborated with.


Michele is a rare guide on life’s journey to reach our full potential. She has an unusual ability to help people explore their ‘Highest Good.’ Her spiritual connection to the love and light which enables all people to make authentic, deep connections is nothing short of amazing. Her work has made a profound impact on my ability to develop deep connections to my entire family. She facilitates a sense of personal contentment that is the foundation of true happiness. I consider her one of the great blessings in my life.
— John V.
I have personally had a session with Michele and have recommended her to many, many friends and relatives. The word most used to describe a session with her is ‘transformational.’ Michele is able to access source and get to the core of your issues and being and brings them to light in a way that is most useful for making changes in your life. Michele’s insight on my mother, for instance, really helped me understand and then come to terms with what has been a difficult relationship. It really helped! I would recommend a session with her to anyone; everyone will benefit.
— Ed R.
My experience working with Michele has been founded on a genuine reciprocity and care for the other person. I can honestly say I am not sure where I would be without her insights into the most repressed parts of myself – Michele really brings the parts of myself that I am aware of but unconsciously move away from into the forefront of my life.
— Lutjon C.
When I remember my session with Michele what comes to mind first is the depth of care she offers marked by her thoughtfulness, her kindness, her devotion to the work and the tremendous amount of preparation she had done. It felt as though my questions were the most important thing in the world for her to address and as though my journey mattered deeply to her and to the universe. I left feeling as though I had been gifted with information about my particular life, deep knowledge about how I could best move forward and a sense of hope that this knowledge would help me make wise choices in the midst of a terribly difficult moment.
— Maria S.
My time with Michele has been transformative. Michele has two gifts which I find to be special. The first is that she is able to very quickly gain insight into who you are and how you think about yourself and your place in the world. The second is that she has a rare ability to articulate concisely these observations and insights in a different and simple manner that allows them to be pondered and discussed rather than defended and shunned. These two gifts combined with her equanimity and wisdom create exceptional opportunities for profound self learning and reflection.
— Phil C.
My conversation with Michele was truly profound. I felt so open and porous throughout. What she said felt like the voice of my own heart, and with a crystal clarity and languaging that moved my own understanding forward. I left our conversation with a lightness and ease that buoyed me for the rest of the day. More importantly, my time with Michele anchored my professional goals and the nuanced way in which these professional goals weave into and throughout my personal goals. That was one of the best gifts I’ve ever received. THANK YOU!
— Julie H.
Beyond all the other work I do, have done, and continue to do, all extraordinary, my readings with you have helped me stretch, expand, slow down, listen and go deeper and deeper into the truth of who I am and can be.
— Lynda K.
The time I spend with Michele is incredibly valuable. I believe self-awareness is the foundation for personal and professional development. Michele helps me accelerate the process of understanding myself, my strengths and challenges, how I show up in the world, and the impact I (often inadvertently) have on others. She has a way of telling me things about myself that I have always known, but have never articulated. The proverbial light bulb goes off, and I think, “You are so right. That is exactly it!” Her insights are very actionable, and so I am able to use my increased self awareness to be a better person, in my most important relationships, both at home and at work.
— Carolyn V.C.